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銀行戶口名稱更改通告:中國香港射箭總會 Notice - Change of Name of Bank Account: Archery Association of Hong Kong, China

承本會2023年8月1日通告,本會之中英文名稱已由『香港射箭總會』及『Hong Kong Archery Association』,更改為『中國香港射箭總會』及『Archery Association of Hong Kong, China』。  

本會銀行戶口名稱亦已完成更改,即日起,本會所有銀行戶口交易須以『中國香港射箭總會』及『Archery Association of Hong Kong, China』名稱進行。

本會之網址及電郵均維持不變,如有任何查詢,歡迎致電2504 8148或電郵至與本會職員聯絡。 

Further to our Notice dated 1.8.2023, our Chinese and English names had been changed from“香港射箭總會”and“Hong Kong Archery Association”to“中國香港射箭總會”and“Archery Association of Hong Kong, China”respectively.

The name of our bank account has also been changed accordingly.  With immediate effect,“中國香港射箭總會”and“Archery Association of Hong Kong, China”shall be used for all bank transactions.

Our official website and emails remain unchanged.  Please contact us at 2504 8148 or should you have further enquiry.


銀行戶口名稱更改通告:中國香港射箭總會183.99 KB