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Job Vacancy - Manager (Recreation and Sport), Non-Civil Service Contract (NCSC)

This is to inform you that the Home Affairs Bureau has a vacancy for the post of Manager (Recreation and Sport) in the Recreation and Sport Division. It is a Non-Civil Service Contract (NCSC) post to be employed for a period of 12 months, with an option to renew on yearly basis, subject to satisfactory performance and the operational needs. With a view to enhancing support to the retired athletes in career development, recruitment for this post would be arranged through recommendations from the Hong Kong Sports Institute, the Hong Kong Athletes Career and Education Programme Office of SF&OC and national sports associations in the first round of recruitment exercise. Candidates meeting the entry requirements will be invited to attend interview. The information including the monthly salary, entry requirements, duties, terms of appointment as well as fringe benefits etc. are detailed in the Recruitment Notice.

Job Title: Manager (Recreation and Sport) 3

Salary: $31,750 per month

Applicants must be retired athletes meeting the following criteria to apply for the position: - 

(1) have at least two years of training at senior level; and
(2) have represented Hong Kong at least once in international competitions or national games / championships.
Interested person should completed Application Forms [G.F. 340 (Rev.3/2013)], together with copies of official transcripts, certificates of academic qualifications and documentary proofs of working experience, should reach the HKAA office on or before the closing date for application (9th July 2021, Friday) .  Please mark “Application for Manager (Recreation and Sport) 3” on the envelope.

Applications which are late, incomplete or without the relevant supporting documents may not be considered.

Recruitment Notice.pdf148.57 KB
GF340.pdf567.74 KB