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招聘社區隔離設施內務管理助理 / Recruitment - Housekeeping Assistant for Community Isolation Facilities (CIFs) (更新於2022年9月2日)

保安局最新一輪招聘社區隔離設施內務管理助理職位。這是一份為期 2 個月的非公務員合約,預計將於 2022 年 9 月內上任(從 2022 年 9 月至 2022 年 11 月,此後每月續約)。月薪、合同期限、工作時間、工作地點、職責、入職和工作要求、聘用條件以及附帶福利等信息詳見招聘通知。


Recruitment - Housekeeping Assistant for Community Isolation Facilities (CIFs)

This is to inform you that the Security Bureau is recruiting for the post of Housekeeping Assistant for Community Isolation Facilities. It is a Non-Civil Service Contract (NCSC) terms for a period of 2 months and the expected to assume duty within March 2022.

職位空缺 - 專項教練及體適能教練 / Recruitment for Specific Sports and Physical Fitness Coaches for academic year 2023/24

港協暨奧委會奧夢成真有限公司現正招募專項教練(港協暨奧委會屬下的各個體育總會項目)及體適能教練。歡迎熱衷於學校推廣體育運動及有志於教練工作的運動員報名。招聘截止日期為2023623日(星期五),詳情請參閱附件一。如有任何疑問,可致電2504 8156與奧夢成真有限公司職員(Kary)查詢。

職位空缺 - 全職督導(行動)教練 / Recruitment for the position of Full-time Supervisory Coach (Operations)

港協暨奧委會奧夢成真有限公司現正為2022/23學年「奧翔計劃2021-2024奧翔之旅」(下稱計劃)招募全職督導(行動)教練。歡迎熱衷於學校推廣體育運動及有志於教練工作的運動員報名。招聘 截止日期為2022年8月24日(星期三),詳情請參閱附件一,另隨函附上計劃詳情(請參閱附件二)。如有任何疑問,可致電2504 8156與奧夢成真有限公司職員(Chloe)查詢。


Job Vacancy - Manager (Recreation and Sport), Non-Civil Service Contract (NCSC)

This is to inform you that the Home Affairs Bureau has a vacancy for the post of Manager (Recreation and Sport) in the Recreation and Sport Division. It is a Non-Civil Service Contract (NCSC) post to be employed for a period of 12 months, with an option to renew on yearly basis, subject to satisfactory performance and the operational needs.

Recruitment: Temporary Venue Helper

Salary: HK11,505 per month


Entry Requirements

Applicants should

(a) be a Hong Kong Permanent Resident aged 18 or above; and

(b) possess good communication skills.

[Note: Possession of work experience in crowd control or property management will be an advantage.]

Recruitment: Sports Executive

Sports Executive

The Hong Kong Archery Association is looking for a higher caliber candidate in the following capacity:



Reporting to the Executive Committee Members, the Sports Executive will be responsible for the following duties:

Recruitment:Temporary Venue Helper

Salary: HK11,505 per month


Entry Requirements

Applicants should

(a) be a Hong Kong Permanent Resident aged 18 or above; and

(b) possess good communication skills.

[Note: Possession of work experience in crowd control or property management will be an advantage.]

Recruitment:Sport Organiser Trainee

Salary: HK11,925 per month


Entry Requirements

Applicants should

(a) be a Hong Kong Permanent Resident aged 18 or above; and

(b) possess good communication skills.

[Note: Possession of work experience in organising sport programmes will be an advantage.]

Recruitment : Administrative Assistant (Contract)

The Hong Kong Archery Association is looking for a higher caliber candidate in the following capacity:



Reporting to the Executive Committee Members and Sports Executive, the Administrative Assistant will be responsible for the following duties: